社会公益 & 环境、社会和治理

Rapid7 is committed to creating a secure 和 prosperous digital future for all—not just our customers, 我们的合作伙伴, or those in the tech community. Through social good initiatives focused on strengthening 多样性、股票 & 包容, advancing cybersecurity around the globe, 和 protecting the future of our planet, we’re working to empower everyone to enact positive change.


We’re proud of the progress we’ve made 和 energized to do so much more. 探索 all of our latest social good initiatives 和 results in the 2023社会公益报告.


Creating a secure digital future for all is a global challenge, so we’re strengthening a global community of protectors to help face it. Through advocacy, community initiatives, 和 charitable giving, we seek to advance cybersecurity. Alongside lawmakers 和 industry groups, 我们提倡政策 that protect against emerging threats while bolstering the vital work of security researchers. 与此同时, our support of free 和 open source projects gives everyone access to powerful security tools 和 practices.

多样性、股票 & 包容

The world needs more protectors. We’re empowering people by building opportunities for those that the cybersecurity community often overlooks. Our deep commitment to 多样性、股票 & 包容 at our own company—recognized by the Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index every year since 2019—makes our work more impactful while infusing our industry with new talent 和 perspectives. And through innovative partnerships with schools 和 philanthropic activities, we’re fostering the development of the world’s next generation of STEM thinkers.


We engage in a variety of philanthropic activities—giving back to the communities where we live 和 work; partnering with STEM 和 inclusion-focused programs to promote tech education; incorporating charitable giving into our internal awards programs; 和 encouraging employee volunteerism around the globe. In 2021, we expanded our philanthropic efforts by founding the Rapid7 Cybersecurity 基金会. With a focus on promoting a diverse 和 inclusive cyber workforce; supporting free 和 open security solutions; 和 advocating for those that often lack a voice in the security community, the foundation is helping make cybersecurity easier to access for the underrepresented.


To create a more secure digital future for everyone, we need to protect the future of the planet we all share. After all, the fates of our digital world 和 our environment will always be tied together. Rapid7 contributes to the global fight against climate change by partnering with like-minded individuals 和 organizations, 和 by embracing environmentally sustainable practices at our office locations worldwide.


Our approach to governance 在Rapid7 is rooted in a deep commitment to transparency, 问责制, 以及我们的核心价值观. Through continuous engagement, we fully consider the perspectives of our many stakeholders—both inside Rapid7 as well as in the investor 和 security communities—as we realize our vision of a secure 和 prosperous digital future for all.

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